
Thinking of your flaw(LESS)

I got a dream this morning. Weird but hear me out! Me, sitting in a corner of the street and seeing a bunch of my guy friends sitting in different autos waving at me and asking me to set them up with one of my friends each. Well one by one i go asking them , ‘ who the fair chic?’ He says ‘ no! The chubby one’ then to the other i say ‘who? The one with those bob?’ He says ‘no the short one’. Then to the other i ask ‘who the skinny model like?’ He says ‘no the dusky one with those bob’.

I know its weird in a way to imagine this scene in real life.
This is surely an hyperbolic drama. But not entirely false.
I thought about it. Because i swear I’ve got DIFFERENT looking people as my friends. And by different, to no offence (well maybe you won’t be after reading the whole thing) i mean shortest of the short, tallest of the tall, chubby, skinny and so on. And trust me when i say this. I’ve got asked about each and every one of them by my different guy friends (well me being the ‘dear bubby’)

(Before you take me wrong)
Its not that this should give you validation to embrace yourself. But think about it! People now a days really have distinct and unalike beauty standards. Why can you not fit yourself into one of those with what you are? (Well i said that just because YOU try to fit yourself in those vogue model like state) ‘Beauty really lies in the eyes of the beholder’. Nudge yourself and see how beautiful you are, ignoring what society wants you to be.
Love yourself, Embrace yourself!

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