
There is no harm in saying ‘NO!’

She compromised her dreams for the World, And the World laughed at her washouts. She was on everyone’s speed dial when in trouble; but her dial list remained empty, when she cried wetting her pillows.Until she realised, If it doesn’t make her 10 feet tall, if it doesn’t make her feel extraordinary, ‘Say No!’


It’s not You, It’s Me!

To explain Changes in a person or relationships, I’d go right back to my 3rd grade and say.. 

Change is just like a ‘water cycle’. The big words like evaporation, condensation, precipitation, collection just explains a change of one state to another. Be it liquid or gas. 

Just like that, the moment you Change Your state, the other will follow you, to maintain that cycle. So if you’re rude, busy, taking things for granted, then the opposite person will also change, to keep the balance.

And self reflection is the answer to all your questions about change.

So next time before saying ‘you’ve changed’ or ‘things are not the same anymore’, always look what’s changed in YOU to cause that Change. 

Everything Changes, when You Change!